

La cérémonie annuelle de remise des prix Prunus 2021 s'est achevée avec succès à Window of the World


On March 27th, the 2021 Prunus "Bloom" Award Ceremony was successfully concluded in Caesar Palace, Window of the World, Shenzhen under the witness of 550 guests and employees.

With the witness and participation of all Prunus people, Prunus has grown from a dozen people at the beginning of the company to more than 600 people, from a small bungalow of a few dozen square meters to the official opening of the Prunus R&D building of nearly 5,000 square meters, step by step, it has grown into a famous brand of medical equipment in the world and gained high recognition from governments and industry experts.


Time goes by, the future is promising. We wish every Prunus people will not forget the beginning, with dreams and passion to continue to forge ahead. let's wish together that Prunus’s tomorrow will be better!

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