
Central venous catheter
Central venous catheter
Excellent biocompatibility
The catheter material is composed of a specially formulated polyurethane material that is biocompatible and not only gives the catheter the right strength for cannulation, but also softens in the body when exposed to blood and does not damage the structure of the vessel wall.
Easy to visualise catheter construction
The catheter material is radiopaque and the catheter has clear and accurate length markings to ensure accurate placement.
Specially designed butterfly clips and fixation clips
Allow flexible fixation of the catheter, reducing the risk of mechanical phlebitis and pain.
Simple and composite kits for clinical choice
Flexible optional choice meets a variety of needs.


乳源| 浦北县| 庄浪县| 那曲县| 偏关县| 什邡市| 常熟市| 伊川县| 中阳县| 红河县| 保亭| 台中县| 通河县| 天津市| 延庆县| 根河市| 吉安县| 富裕县| 舒城县| 葵青区| 宣城市| 龙门县| 锦屏县| 鄄城县| 宜兰县| 南投市| 绿春县| 射洪县| 旺苍县| 万源市| 大庆市| 阳信县| 通道| 南丰县| 长治县| 阜宁县| 无为县| 黄石市| 平邑县| 萍乡市| 如皋市|