
Boaray 2000D
Boaray 2000D
Maximisé en performance, minimisé en taille
Ventilateur à turbine portable

Boaray 2000D est le ventilateur de niveau ICU le plus léger (seulement 7,5 kg) et le plus compact, simple à configurer, facile à utiliser et polyvalent. Les patients pédiatriques et adultes sont disponibles pour tous les niveaux d'acuité aux soins intensifs et aux soins intermédiaires.

Smartphone-like operating experience
8.4 inch color touch screen.
Lightweight design(<7.5 kg) makes it possible to use anytime, anywhere.
Smartphone-like operating experience, supporting multi-touch gesture, making operating more flexible.
Broader clinical applicability
With its comprehensive features, including the sequential ventilation therapy covering invasive, non-invasive ventilation and O2 therapy, the Boaray 2000D is appropriate for all levels of patient acuity and in all care settings, from the patient's bedside to transport to another point of care. 


New DualPAP® mode to exercise the patient's respiratory function
Prunus's patented DualPAP® (Dual Level Positive Pressure Ventilation) mode provides positive pressure ventilation to patients at two levels of pressure (high pressure phase and low pressure phase), with pressure support (PS) set at both pressure levels, exercising the patient's respiratory function and reducing dependence on the ventilator.
Compact yet powerful
Portable intensive care ventilator meet your needs, Boaray 2000D comes with extensive ventilation modes and unique features that make it a top level ICU ventilator, such as O2 therapy, NIV, weaning indicators, Flow Support, proximal flow sensor technology.
We care what you care.
Boaray 2000D is equipped with cost-effective and autoclavable exhalation valve assembly, which can highly reduce your  cost and avoid cross-infection among patients in hospital.
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