
Boaray 700
Boaray 700
Station d'anesthésie modulable classique haut de gamme
S?r, précis et fiable

Équipé d'une technologie de ventilation intelligente, de composants de base de classe mondiale, de capacités de surveillance améliorées, de plusieurs algorithmes de surveillance et de protection de contrôle brevetés, Boaray 700 offre une expérience d'anesthésie fiable au-delà de vos attentes.

Intuitive interface at your fingertips
- 15-inch color touch screen
- Optional large font interface, displaying 4 waveforms, 2 loops and more than 20 parameters on the same screen, more clear and intuitive.
ICU-grade ventilation solutions
Comprehensive ventilation modes, such as VCV, PCV, SIMV, SPONT/CPAP, PRVC, Sigh, Manual, cardio pulmonary bypass.
Fully meets the different needs of all ages from infants to adults.


Plug-and-play monitoring modules design
- Optional Masimo gas monitoring module provides inspiratory, end-expiratory gas concentration monitoring and MAC value indication at a glance.
- Support SPO2 monitoring
Highly integrated breathing circuit
- Optional heating feature can provide more moist inhalation air, thus ensuring patient safety.
- Autoclavable circuit to avoid cross-infection.
- No exposed cables design, effectively solving cable management problems and preventing accidents.
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