
Bipolar temporary pacing catheter
Bipolar temporary pacing catheter
Provides precise temporary pacing support

We have a professional background in manufacturing transvenous catheters. The product brings together years of advanced catheter technology from the Paxin R&D team, bringing a new experience to doctors in clinical operations and lifesaving work.

Safe, reliable and precise
It fully meets the clinical market's need for a safe, reliable and precise bipolar temporary pacing catheter.
Graduated and contrasted
The catheter is graduated in 10 cm length increments to allow physicians to expertly determine the depth of catheter insertion; the contrasted catheter material is radiographically fluoroscopic, allowing for more precise catheter insertion and easier catheter positioning.
Floating balloon
An optional inflatable balloon at the end of the catheter allows the catheter to float more safely to the right ventricle.
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