
Boaray 700
Boaray 700
High-end classic modular anesthesia workstation
Safe, accurate and reliable

Equipped with smart ventilator technology, world-class core components, enhanced monitoring capabilities, multiple patented monitoring and control protection algorithms, Boaray 700 offers a reliable anesthesia experience beyond your expectation.

Intuitive interface at your fingertips
- 15-inch color touch screen
- Optional large font interface, displaying 4 waveforms, 2 loops and more than 20 parameters on the same screen, more clear and intuitive.
ICU-grade ventilation solutions
Comprehensive ventilation modes, such as VCV, PCV, SIMV, SPONT/CPAP, PRVC, Sigh, Manual, cardio pulmonary bypass.
Fully meets the different needs of all ages from infants to adults.


Plug-and-play monitoring modules design
- Optional Masimo gas monitoring module provides inspiratory, end-expiratory gas concentration monitoring and MAC value indication at a glance.
- Support SPO2 monitoring
Highly integrated breathing circuit
- Optional heating feature can provide more moist inhalation air, thus ensuring patient safety.
- Autoclavable circuit to avoid cross-infection.
- No exposed cables design, effectively solving cable management problems and preventing accidents.
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