
Prunus Medical provides complete ventilator solutions, covering critical care, sub-critical care, emergency transport and so on. Nowadays, we have became one of the manufacturers which have the most complete product line of ventilator around the world.
Anesthesia Machine
Anesthesia Machine
Prunus anesthesia machines are well known in the industry for our safety, stability and reliability. We insist on providing high-quality anesthesia solutions, and together with anesthesiologists, safeguarding the lives of patients.
Air Compressor
Air Compressor
With superior performance, Boaray 10A air compressor has become the first choice for many famous ventilator manufacturers to choose the backup medical compressed air source. It will bring you performance beyond expectation.
Syringe Pump
Syringe Pump

Product List

宜都市| 巴林左旗| 南木林县| 澄江县| 北京市| 六枝特区| 镇原县| 武宣县| 阜南县| 华亭县| 巢湖市| 延吉市| 贵定县| 澄江县| 南澳县| 会宁县| 体育| 旬阳县| 裕民县| 车致| 永宁县| 海南省| 乌拉特后旗| 南安市| 锦州市| 台江县| 罗甸县| 岳普湖县| 依安县| 金沙县| 深水埗区| 福建省| 宁明县| 大新县| 清新县| 商河县| 新竹县| 泗阳县| 晋城| 新干县| 施甸县|